HomeKNX Australia

KNX Australia


About KNX Australia

KNX is an international building controls open standard, ratified by Standards Australia as a Technical Specification in 2017.

It is designed to help minimise E-waste, improve sustainability in buildings of all types, enhance aesthetics and reduce costs, by removing duplication of control elements and system cabling.


Andy Moore is Marketing Director of the KNX Association of Australiaand Building Automation Manager for Theben Australia, one of themanufacturing members. His expertise is specific to lighting, whichincludes the use of natural light–as well as dynamiclighting systemsto influence health and wellbeing, particularly around sleep andcircadian rhythms. Lighting control is an important feature of KNX,along with blind and shading control, access control, HVAC andoccupancy detection.

Contact Us

Contact Person: Andy Moore

Company Information:
General Enquiries: info@knx.org.au
Media Enquiries: media@knx.org.au
International: +61 2 9888 3081
Within Australia: (02) 9888 3081
Address: PO Box 778 – North Ryde BC NSW 1670, Australia
